Last year we decided to quit our jobs and backpack through Europe. In this trip, we rented a car and took a road trip through Germany; this majestic castle was one of the stops along the way.

We have explored the Disney World castle in Florida and Disneyland castles in both California and Paris, but there is a special kind of magic that encompasses this real world castle in the mountains of Germany. Here are the reasons you should visit it if you are a Disney lover…
1. It Inspired a Disney Castle
This is Neuschwanstein Castle located in Bavaria, Germany. This castle is said to have been an inspiration to Walt Disney when dreaming up Cinderella Castle in Magic Kingdom. Take a look below, what do you think?

2. Step into a Fairy-tale Setting
Visit the fairy-tale castle at any time of the year—when surrounding mountains and meadows are overwhelmingly green or even when the castle has a fresh layer of sparkling snow. Any season you arrive will leave your hopeless romantic heart bursting at the seams with all of its beauty.

3. Learn the history of a real world castle
Visit a castle of an original dreamer, King Ludwig II of Bavaria, also known as the “Fairytale King”. Ludwig began having this castle built in 1869, but unfortunately (due to some very shady and interesting rumors), never got to see the finished product of his beloved castle. (Just like Walt Disney and Cinderella Castle—sorry for any triggers!)
4. Discover facts about a 19th century Innovator
Neuschwanstein was built in Bavaria during the 19th century when castles were no longer needed or built for defensive purposes—not to mention all the technological advances a castle rarely, if ever had been used before (i.e. running water). King Ludwig II, like Walt Disney, had a vision that was ahead of his time while still inspired by traditions of the past.
5. See the influence of music in the castle
King Ludwig II was a HUGE fan of music. Operas, to be specific. He has many paintings that decorate his castle which were inspired by his favorite operas. He even had an artificial cave created in the castle that was based on the idea of one of his favorite operas. (Think Ariel’s Grotto; it was so beautiful) Who would like to build their own castle and decorate it with paintings of their favorite Disney films?
6. Spot the perfect setting for your, “So This Is Love” Moment
The castle blossoms (in the spring/summer) with an inner garden surrounded by a towering courtyard. Sounds to me like the perfect spot for a ball!

7. Take a soiree of whimsical pictures
Located in the Bavarian Alps, this castle is the perfect opportunity for a fairytale photo shoot. A short hike away to Queen Mary’s Bridge will get you the picture perfect shot of the castle that you see on all the postcards.

As Disney lovers ourselves, this castle was one of the highlights of our backpacking trip! It was beautiful and had very interesting history behind it. We hope you are able to go visit it one day and see it’s beauty in person!

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